Good Evening friends , so glad you came by , come on in , can I get you a nice cup of coffee? tea? cocoa (maybe with a splash of RumChatta ) or lots of marshmallows ? We can sit at the dining room table and visit as long as you like , it's nice and toasty inside but... warm wishes and great friends are always welcome !
Today has been a very stressful but enlightening day , Princess and I had a few issues with one of our neighbors over something quite menial , and though it wasn't handled quite as lovely as I would have liked , it has been handled none the less ! Around here we play the hand we are dealt very carefully , because you are only dealt that one hand , but on occasion an outside "source" ups the ante , and all we can do is stumble through it and do the best we can to turn it into a learning experience in hopes that it never happens again !
This evening after homework was complete, dinner eaten , and showers taken, the Princess went to play in her room and I went to work on spreading around a lil more LOVE in the dining room , because as Princess tells me " ONE CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH LOVE " and we have very lil , at least the decorating kind :) !!!
I don't have many Valentines decorations , so we are trying to make some worthy of reusing , out of things we have around the house , as Princess LOVES to decorate for holidays and the more "BLING & SPARKLE" the BETTER!!! Which makes it hard to stick to my Prim-ness ...however they are only lil once and Someday she will be grown and I can be as Prim as I want... but am sure I will wish I had all that Glitter back instead !
So tonight , I made a Valentine playing card/ rag garland for our mantle . I had seen the idea on Pinterest ( imagine that ! lol ) and there was no link back to the directions nor the original creator if this was your brain child please let me know so I can give you proper credit !
Anyhoooo ... it was so simple to make and I really LOVE how it turned out , I used 2 decks of playing cards ( from my moms goodwill pile ...THANKS MOM) , I used some more of that red/white thin bakers twine from my Aunt( THANKS AUNTIE ) , and I used fabric scraps left from our heart table runner project from last week , a hole punch and it was as Princess says ..."EASY PEASY LEMON SQUEEZEY"... took maybe 45 mins to make both . Don't pay no mind to the top of the mantle as it's my decorating "PROBLEM CHILD " , I always seem to struggle to decorate it and feel that I am content with how I did it , do you have one of those areas in your home ? I have hopes of finishing it and the rest of the homestead by the end of the weekend and sharing it all with you here soon !

If I am feeling good enough to get out of bed for a short time , I hope to make the "Valentine branches " below to tuck inside some of my crocks ! I also would like to apologize for not visiting everyone as consistent as I would like , but I do try but can't blog on my phone or kindle for some reason and it's hard to blog via laptop lying down and I can't sit or stand too long either . I do read all your blogs , I just do not always comment ...for that I am sorry , but I have hopes of trying to catch up this weekend ! Well I guess that's all the excitement I have to share for now , y'all are welcome to stay as long as you wish , I enjoy your company , Sweet dreams my friends and until we meet again ..Ill always be ...just a lil raggedy ! hugs