Tuesday, January 12, 2016


 Good evening to all ! Princess got her wish , today school was cancelled ,SNOW DAY! We spent the entire day doing a whole LOT of NOTHING ! Matter of fact...we never even got out of our jammies , we snuggled up in warm blankies , watched Netflix, colored , had a surprise visit from Mr. Chuck  , we did a lil school work and were pretty much just LAZY BUMS!
I had hoped to start a new simple project or 3 for Valentine's Day to share with everyone , however my pain level was just way too out of control , but tomorrow is a new day maybe I'll get a chance then !
School is already on a 2 hr delay for tomorrow morning , as we are having single digit temps with below zero wind chills , Princess hopes they cancel again ! I'm just hoping for an hour or two of moderate pain relief so I can spend some time out of this bed and finally have a real post to make , with interesting content lol  !
So how do you spend your SNOW DAYS?
Wishing each of you a warm snuggly evening and until we meet again... I'll always  be... just a lil raggedy ! hugs

Todays coloring finish , I think this would make a great rug if done in prim colors

A few snow captures from our yard
Mr Chuck surprised us with Pizza for lunch ...I LOVE any meal that doesn't require that I cook or wash dishes :)
Princess wanted to make "us " a snack this evening , so I turned her loose in the kitchen ...we had vanilla ice cream with banana slices, crushed oreos, strawberry and chocolate syrup...it was Yummy but I may be up half the night with a sugar buzz ...and Im not sure why we are having ice cream when its 9 degrees outside lol


  1. Her dessert looks yummy!! You are so good at working with her.
    Lazy days I hate to admit I am on the computer most of the day and watching TV.
    Can't wait to start being able to get outside.
    I just noticed your sidebar, has a donor been found yet?

  2. Earlene, I too spend most of my downtime either asleep or online. I too am anxious for Spring and porch sitting. No donor has been found yet :(

  3. How do I spend a snow day??? LOL!! But I keep on my pj's when it's cold, sit in front of the fireplace and dream of Ohio!!!

  4. Snow is rare here, so snow days are spent wringing my hands and whining about there being SNOW, of all things, outside! When it snows, people rush to the stores and grab up all the milk and bread, too.

    I hope your pain level decreases. Your posts are interesting without having to report anything special, in my opinion!

  5. Hi Angie,
    Thank you for visiting my blog and becoming a follower. I've enjoyed my visit here and hope to visit often.
    Blessed Be

  6. Having a snow day for a kid is awesome..spending a snow day in your jammies sounds wonderfull..even for me. Wish I could have done that today. I would probablybe in a diabetic coma if I ate that dessert, but it did look yummy! Janice


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