Good Evening , I'm so glad you came to visit! This evening I wanted to take a moment and share with you a lil story and the works of a dear friend!
Once Upon A Time in Blogland , quite a few years ago...this blog came to fruition! I had no clue what I was doing, or how any of this worked , nor did I have the slightest idea of just how many AMAZING, TALENTED women I would meet because of this blog ! One of the first ladies I met was a real sweetie named Debbie from Missouri, a quilter and lover of prims , she co-ran the Prim Pals Forum and invited me to join in and introduced me to the world of blog swaps, features, and lots of great prim friends !
I immediately fell in LOVE with the peaceful , friendly , supportive, empowering atmosphere that blogging consisted of, and was HOOKED ! Over the years many of us have drifted away , mainly to focus on Facebook, and our busy lives etc...but some have still managed to remain in contact regardless . Many of us have faced hard times , heartaches , and just unthinkable tragedies , but I'd like to think, we still remain steadfast kindred spirits regardless of the venue we express ourselves in ! I am TRULY GRATEFUL to have each of you in my life!
I just recently returned to blogging myself and was saddened to see that so many had "gone " from blogging , some of my very favorite reads just vanished! One new thing I would like to try and do on here , is that once a month I would like to write a blog post on one of my amazing "blog sisters" in hopes of encouraging more WOMEN EMPOWERING ONE ANOTHER through not only blogging , but life in general ! I know firsthand how much of an impact such actions can make! I hope to accomplish this by sharing the talents /blogs/ fb pages of these wonderful women ! I would also like to encourage you as readers to visit the featured Women and cheer them on in all they do , and if you aren't already connected to the featured woman , please introduce yourself , as one can never have too many great friends... as we all know it to be true that BLOG FRIENDS ARE BEST !I also encourage you to feel free to share the Amazing Women you know !
Also ,slightly off the subject but needed...Upon returning , I have cleaned all the "non-active " blogs off of my reading list ,and am seeking new active bloggers to follow /read , so if you have a fave friend /blog feel free to send me an invite , I am anxious for new reads and blog experiences !
Now for today's EMPOWERMENT post , I would like to share my dear friend Debbie with you . Though no longer blogging or quilting , in the past 2 years Debbie has made some DRASTIC changes in her life , she not only left her blog and quilting on the wayside , she left her 9-5 career to begin a new venture , baking cookies and the occasional cake from her home !!! Becoming an online bakery/ cookie artist / offering local delivery and shipping ,after many folks began seeing and tasting her work or reading of her works , her lil Missouri business quickly "blossomed" .Then ...
An opportunity arose that would require a GREAT LEAP OF FAITH ON Debbie's part ,after much thought, she decided to take the chance and packed up the bare essentials left her home, husband , and pets in Missouri and headed toward her new home in LAS VEGAS, NV ! Upon Arrival, She found a place to live and all seemed to be on track until... that opportunity that caused her to move , turned out to be a DUD (putting it nicely ) and left her with an apartment , no friends, no family , and a business to try and rebuild , amongst other personal issues!
Yet she remains so strong and Positive, such an inspiration to so many , despite the circumstances ...a TRULY EMPOWERING WOMAN , trying to not only rebuild her life from the bottom of the ladder but a business as well !
However, at this point it is crucial that she rebuild a strong internet customer base , which will hopefully in turn allow her to draw in more local orders and Ultimately help her get that Storefront she so DESERVES! Which is exactly what brings me to this post...
I am THRILLED to share with you the Gorgeous ,DELICIOUS confectionary creations of Debbie @ FROSTED Las Vegas ,NV... currently selling exclusively on Facebook .
I personally have NEVER seen a more beautifully decorated cookie than those that Debbie offers , and as a repeat customer , I have to say they are just as delicious as they are beautiful .Each is professionally sealed and packaged and guaranteed fresh and delivered via mail to your door . I also must say that I find her prices to be AN AMAZING VALUE , for the quality and beauty that you receive, each one a TRUE INDIVIDUAL WORK OF ART, she not only offers "holiday sweets" , she also offers beautiful custom items for theme parties, corporate and military recognitions as well, truly a talented cookie artist , I personally don't believe there is much she cannot do !
I am sharing a few of her current Valentine's Day offerings and their prices (does not include shipping ) , I encourage you to click on the Frosted Link on the right sidebar or on the first cookie bouquet below to be taken to her FB page , you do NOT have to have a FB account to visit with Deb or to message her ! Also while visiting her FB page take a look at some of her past works by clicking on the photos tab at the top of the page ! I know I look forward to getting my Valentine order , and strongly encourage each of you that if you are looking for beautiful delicious treats for your favorite sweets to consider giving Deb @ FROSTED a try ! Even if you are unable to order a quick message of friendship and support will be greatly appreciated and please feel free to share with all your friends and family! I will return Tuesday Morning with a weekend recap and a few sewing finishes ...Until we meet again ...I 'll always be ...just a lil raggedy ! hugs

Please contact Debbie @ Frosted for pricing , color choices, availability on these items |
Chocoalte dipped "strawberry " cookies 1/2 dozen $12 plus shipping cost, 1 dozen $20 plus shipping cost |
cookie bouquets pricing varies message Debbie @ Frosted for details |
chocolates cookies , candy box shape and color may vary $18 plus shipping costs |
cake pops $15 a dozen plus shipping costs |
message Frosted for availability , colors, and pricing |
cookie roses $1.50 each or $15 a dozen with no vase , $20 a dozen with vase... all prices plus shipping costs |
I love U cookie gift box $14 each plus shipping costs, message for color choices |
Mini cookies 5 per package , package $5 each plus shipping costs |
I love you cookie gift box $14 plus shipping costs , message for color choices |